Friday, October 29, 2010

September Finale--MK Loves Outside!

My mom also came to visit in September. We had lots of fun but forgot to take any pictures with her. Oops!

We bought MK a sandbox while she was here so he could satisfy his love for dirt and playing outside.

Every day now, the first thing I hear after he finishes breakfast is "Assiye? Assiye?" (outside, outside?) I love seeing how excited he gets about playing outside with his favorite "wah-wus" (shovel) and "guck!" (truck).

Since I know the onset of winter is much too close, we go outside every day, even if it requires a jacket and hat. I don't think I'll be able to dissuade MK from the outdoors until snow falls. We might have some cold play days in the coming month . . .

1 comment:

Adespain said...

We'll have to get together for outside play dates. Snow or cold hasn't stopped William. He could play outside for hours on end, rain, shine or snow. Or anything else the weather will throw at him.