Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Summer Catch Up--July

And for July:

We played some more outside:

We visited my dad and brother in Cleveland/Kirtland while they were traveling before the National Jamboree.

We worked on some house projects and thus began McKay's love of tools. Needless to say, he has his own tool set now:

We also visited some friends on our way to visit family in California. We picked berries; it was mine and McKay's first time. We also saw the Salt Flats on our way to Cali.

The month was eventful! On to August--we're half way caught up!

1 comment:

Brooklyn said...

Your 1st time to pick berries?? I guess some people have it easy their whole lives! Ok, so it's pretty fun, but it sometimes felt like slave labour when I was younger.