Friday, August 22, 2008

Birthday Grand Slam

Instead of going out to celebrate, Burke had softball games on his birthday. In the first game, his team was behind by three runs in the last inning when Burke got up to bat (2 outs) and hit a grand slam that gave them the four runs they needed to win the game! Burke couldn't have been happier or asked for anything better than that to end their softball season. That hit happens to be the only picture I got of him the whole season, so I was happy too. I made him softball cupcakes and the team sang "Happy Birthday" to him. He was sufficiently embarrassed.
I also made him a guitar birthday cake because he's been playing his guitar a little more lately. (He was a big star back in the day in his band for those of you who didn't know. Needless to say, he was also a ladies' man.) Then I got him a tennis racket so we can practice our mad skills that we learned in our tennis class this summer.


Kristin said...

Hi Julia!
My blog is
:) You 2 sure make a cute couple!

Carrie said...

Happy Birthday Burke!! Hey guys-- fun to see your blog! I just started one... it's still a work in progress, but at least you can see some cute pictures of Ruby!

Take care and tell Provo hi for us!!