Tuesday, November 16, 2010

October Fun

I forgot about the pictures from some Halloween-ish things we did, even though it was over two weeks ago now.

We decorated cookies. MK's concept of decorating was to dump the whole little container on the cookie. He sure enjoyed it!

For my birthday we went to the Circleville Pumpkin Festival. It was fun, but the best part was definitely the pumpkin donuts from Lindsey's Bakery. We will be taking home a dozen next year rather than just splitting one.
Click on the picture to see the stats for this monster of a pumpkin pie. It was huge!

We went to Boo at the Zoo with some friends. M's friend was a golfer.
 M's hat kept falling off. One time, he picked it up and put it back on his head himself--backwards. It didn't fall off the rest of the night though! So we left it backwards on his head. I think he just wanted to show off the pony tail.
 I could not get this kid to stand still or smile normal for a single picture. So these are as good as they got.
 MK loved trick or treating! He knew exactly what he was doing going from door to door to put candy in his pumpkin. He bee-lined for the candy bowls as soon as he saw them.  It was so fun to watch him.
This face was his reaction when I took away his beloved pumpkin and candy. I finally settled with giving him one piece before bed.

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